Christopher Nolan does it again with “Interstellar”

If you are looking for a movie with a brilliant plot and mind-blowing visuals, you must find time to see Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar. With a beautiful combination of love and science, this masterful film captures the attention of every viewer with its astonishing visuals and beautiful score.

Walking out of the theater, my jaw was aching due to the amount of time it was dropped while watching the film. Rotten Tomatoes gave it the following review: “Interstellar represents more of the thrilling, thought-provoking, and visually resplendent filmmaking moviegoers have come to expect from writer-director Christopher Nolan, even if its intellectual reach somewhat exceeds its grasp.”

Interstellar takes place in the near future where the world is slowly deteriorating; food is low and sickness is becoming more and more prevalent. Cooper, played by Matthew McConaughey, is a former pilot who is extremely passionate about engineering, but is forced to become a farmer due to the scarcity of food.

Cooper (played by McConaughey) explaining Murphy’s Law to his daughter Murph.

Once the world’s problems become more severe, people start realizing that Earth has very little time left. From this point onwards, Cooper teams up with NASA and is requested to pilot a spaceship that intends to look for an alternative planet to live on. Cooper struggles to accept the challenge because he does not want to leave his children, especially his daughter Murph, who is named after Murphy’s Law. This is the idea that anything that can can go wrong, will go wrong, an idea that is central to the movie. After Cooper decides to pilot the ship, the movie focuses on life in space as well as life on earth. From here, Christopher Nolan develops the characters and story beautifully.

One of the two main plot lines of this movie revolves around science. Christopher Nolan hired Kip Thorne, a theoretical physicist, in order to make sure that everything in his movie is at least possible in theory. Because of the many complex ideas, this turned out to be a very tedious task. However, the goal of possibility was achieved in the end.

“The goal of having a movie in which science is embedded in the fabric from the beginning was preserved,” said Thorne in an interview with The key scientific aspect of the movie is the theory of relativity – the idea that the further you go into space the slower time travels.

Lead actors Matthew McConaughey (Far Left) and Anne Hatthaway (Middle) in their state-of-the-art space ship.
Lead actors Matthew McConaughey (left) and Anne Hatthaway (center) in their state-of-the-art space ship.

Despite Thorne’s advisement throughout the process, Interstellar received a few skeptical tweets regarding the scientific possibilities of the movie. The majority of these skeptics were people that were simply out to disprove Nolan and the movie as a whole.

In response to the these “haters,” Nolan told that “there have been a bunch of knee-jerk tweets by people who’ve only seen the film once, but to really take on the science of the film, you’re going to need to sit down with the film for a bit and probably also read Kip Thorne’s book.”

Thorne’s book, “The Science of Interstellar” is currently available on Amazon and gives simple descriptions and clarifications of the scientific aspects of the film.

The other primary plot line is the relationship between Cooper and his daughter Murph. Both of them are extremely passionate about science, specifically physics, making the origin for Murph’s name fitting. As was mentioned before, Cooper’s children were the only factors that made the passionate pilot’s decision to leave difficult. His son Tom was able to deal with his dad’s decision; however, it was a little more difficult for Murph, a dilemma that is developed and emphasized throughout the movie.

Overall, I give Interstellar 5/5 popcorns. I left the theater with a blown mind and a new perspective on relativity. Christopher Nolan uses love, science, and his innovative mind to create a movie that leaves every viewer satisfied.
