Ready to play the stress away? Toontown Edition

Missing your childhood? Want to relive your childhood procrastination before (and during) finals? Forget reminiscing on basic sites like Webkinz when you can play Toontown Rewritten!

Screen Shot 2015-05-15 at 2.37.25 pmSome hardcore Toontown fans paid out of pocket to restore the game and make it free for everyone else. High school student Joey Ziolkowski was among a group of 24 college and high school developers who brought Toontown back to life. “We won’t accept any form of donations – whether in currency, hardware, or any other form of payment. Seriously, we’ve gotcha covered. We just want to let you have fun and play the game that we all enjoy, on us!”

The game is based on the movie “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?” and the basic goal is to defeat the evil corporate Cogs who are trying to take over Toontown. Cogs are the antithesis of your fun character. They are mean and obsessed with work, constantly trying to take away yScreen Shot 2015-05-15 at 1.17.42 pmour funny gags with corporate items and horrible puns. Defeating the Cogs in gag-to-gag combat is frequent as they are literally roaming the streets. If a Cog is above your level and you need help, random Toons often jump in to help you.

Customizing your character is super easy, fun, and there are a wide range of options. You can choose from nine different animals ranging from the traditional rabbit to the rare horse. Unlike games like Club Penguin, there are no additional add-ons that you need to purchase to play extra games or buy clothes. When playing Toontown Rewritten, everything is free. If you want to take your gaming to a whole new level, invite your friends! Just connect servers and be prepared to argue over which game to play and which toon is better.

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Once your friends are connected and your Toon is made, you can hit the Toontown. The town has seven different districts all with their own climates and themes. All are named after a different Disney character and all have different main attractions such as the Goofy Speedway at Toontown Central. However, not all of the attractions are open yet, as some parts of the game are still in development. But that doesn’t take away from the entertainment factor – I have been playing for about a week now and still haven’t seen every district.

If your Toon is tired from all that running around Toontown, you can head to your Toon’s Estate. Instead of money in Toontown, you use jellybeans to buy furniture to furnish your estate. Once you place your order from Clarabelle’s Cattlelog, you can collect it instantly from your mailbox.

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Toontown itself does not have the most advanced graphics or the most intense gameplay, but it is instantly addicting due to its simple but fun games. Its easy usage helps the player really get into the game and not be distracted by flashy graphics. The innocence of the game will take you back to simpler times…before APs, before you knew what a GPA was, back when your only focus was playing games and having fun.



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