Netflix in Singapore?

Netflix is the world’s leading Internet television network with over 44 million members in more than 40 countries enjoying more than one billion hours of television.

Popular shows on Netflix include the award-winning series “Orange is the New Black” and “House of Cards.” They have both garnered critical acclaim, receiving numerous awards such as the Primetime Emmy Award, Golden Globe award and more.

Promotional picture from Netflix
Promotional picture from Netflix
Promotional picture
Promotional picture from Netflix

Netflix is currently available in the UK, Ireland, France, Belgium, Brazil, Latin America, Australia, New Zealand, Italy and a new addition to the Netflix family, Japan.

Sadly, the international Internet streaming media is not available in Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan – but it will be, as the company has announced that it will launch its Internet streaming service in early 2016.

Due to Singapore’s tough censorship laws, Netflix will probably be working closely with the Media Development Authority in order to edit its contents.

So for all the Netflix fans out there who weren’t able to become members – we only have to wait a couple of months. And for the local viewers who have been using Virtual Private Network (VPN) services to gain access to the streaming system in Singapore, your lag times will soon be a sad memory from the past.

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