100 word rant: flying the French flag on Facebook

Screen Shot 2015-11-16 at 5.40.13 pmYes, there is a French flag on my profile photo. No, that does NOT give you permission to accuse me of invalidating the tragedies of other people, countries and cultures around the world.

Displaying the French flag colors in solidarity does not mean I’m insensitive to the tragedies around the world that also happened this year before the attack on Paris. Lebanon, Mexico, Syria, Kenya and any others I haven’t yet heard about – I stand with all of you. The college in Kenya that was attacked by terrorists – I stand with you for the lives lost and others damaged. Lebanon, I stand with you in the darkness after terrorism.

But just because the only flag offered to me by Facebook is the one of France does not mean I am ignorant or a slacktavist. I am displaying support where I can.

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