A Rant: The New Normal in SAS Skorts

Firstly, I do not have a problem with the SAS uniform bottoms.  What I do get tired of is the tendency in wearing skirts tighter and far shorter than what should pass as functional school attire. It has nothing to do with body shape, but with opting for the right fit. I see girls walking to school with backpacks tugging on the back of their skirts or simply just walking down the hallway while the material is riding up well above their bum, unbeknownst to what’s going on. This doesn’t happen to all high school girls. I suggest that if you sit down on a chair and your skirt is already riding up the sides, you should get a new skirt.

We are one of the schools who actually have a really nice uniform and get to pair it with sweaters along with what the Booster Booth has to offer. Meanwhile, other schools aren’t so lucky. Uniform hair, no makeup, long skirts, no painted nails, and no colored hair. We are taking advantage of the best that has been already given to us.

I simply ask WHY?  Why can’t some of us just get bigger skirts? Would this action mean that we are admitting that we’re overweight or recognizing that elements of our body are perhaps NOT publically appealing? I digress, as the philosophy behind this trend is not what this “rant” is about. I’m simply saying that we women could have better judgment in picking out the best bottoms while assembling our school uniform. We come to school to be practical, NOT stylish. Sure you can show up as if you plan to spend the full day on foot and with relatively little movement.  But we must move, we must sit, and the main reason we’re in school is to learn. So learn this: Get a BIGGER skirt.

And let’s not pretend that we are unaware of the problem; I see girls pulling down on the bottom of their skirts throughout the day because it keeps riding up. Worse, some of us don’t know that it’s happening when our skirts slowly ride up above our bums, but we could do something preventative to not be the victims of this situation in the first place.

And for those who know it’s happening, why do we never say anything?  Simple: The bystander effect. Because no one else is doing anything, then we simply leave it alone.

Well, I am saying something about it now, and to all of you: Let’s prevent the new normal from being hallways and classrooms full of unintentional “exposure” and skirts that don’t fit. It’s not rocket science. We have the money to purchase that re-considered right size, so let’s do it!

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