What’s It Like to Scuba Dive?

Image result for scuba diving
Scuba Diving can change the way you perceive the world. Credits: DIVE.in

Scuba diving. As unique as it sounds, it’s a fun-filled activity enjoyed by many. Scuba diving locations range from Australia’s Great Barrier Reef all the way to Phuket’s Banana Bay, and it is indeed very meaningful to be able to participate in this activity.  Becoming a scuba diver is one of the first steps that can change the way you perceive the world; the moment you jump off your boat to the moment you rise to the surface after an hour long dive, you will have experienced the beauty of the underworld and a moment without gravity.

Although scuba diving might sound quite intimidating for some– especially when told about the depth underwater they will dive into, the dangerous and poisonous sea creatures– it is in reality, an enjoyable sport and leisure activity if done right.

As Scuba Schools International (also known as SSI Divers) notes, “Learning to dive is much easier than you think…   [It can] forever change the way you experience the world [as] you explore the wonders of a weightless underwater world, interact with incredible marine life and discover ecosystems hidden beneath the surface.”

Image result for scuba diving certificate
Effective underwater communication. Credits: Google Images

In order to scuba dive correctly, you have two options: to get a scuba diving certificate or enroll in a scuba diving program with the accompaniment of a professional.

So how exactly does this process work?

The Open Water Diver Certificate:

This certificate is globally recognized. In addition to undergoing online academic sessions, one has to go through personalized training with professionals and go through in-water practice sessions in the swimming pool and seawater to enhance skills and experiences to find comfort under water.

The One-time Scuba Experience:

As the most basic scuba program available to divers, the One-Time Try Scuba Program serves as an introduction to the underwater world. The minimum age to join this program is eight, and it does not require prior scuba diving experience from divers as one will be under the supervision of a professional at all times.

Becoming a scuba diver is one of the first steps that can change the way you perceive the world.

As adventurous as scuba diving sounds, here are some reasons why you should, by no hesitation and doubt, give it a try during the upcoming summer break.

Scuba diving is magical– it’s simply different from the underwater life you can experience at an aquarium. Travelling to the underworld gives you the chance to witness vibrant colored coral reefs, other diverse marine ecosystems, as well as other sea creatures you will never be able to see up close in your lifetime: dolphins, turtles, manta rays, and if lucky, even sharks.

Have you ever heard of a sport that requires you to be weightless? Well, Scuba diving has got your back if that’s what you’re looking for. Just like being an astronaut and being able to float in space, diving under the ways allows you to escape gravity and experience weightlessness as well. Scuba diving is an incredibly novel experience because it allows you to move freely in all directions. At the same time, scuba diving helps build muscles and core strength as you learn the different techniques and experience development in your swimming abilities.

Many hold the misconception that scuba diving can be risky– running out of oxygen, encountering dangerous sea creatures, and getting swept away by the strong currents. However, scuba diving can be an activity done for recreation if done under the right circumstances and mind. When I first started scuba diving, I was terrified just like many others; after doing my first dive, however, I realized how captivating it was. All that was needed for an enjoyable experience was good weather, calmness, and effective underwater communication.

Travelling to different places is definitely one of the things most people have on their bucket list– and scuba diving allows you to fulfill just that! With scuba diving, you have a purpose to travel to exotic places, ranging from the Komodo Island of Indonesia to the crystal clear underwaters of Hawaii. It gives you a chance to spend your holidays at the beach, on the boat, underwater, and the reason to travel to different places for different scuba diving experiences.

Seniors Elysia Chang and Sonia Kingsley scuba diving in Australia for Interim. Credits: Elysia Chang’s Instagram: elysiaachang

Even at SAS, we have several certified Scuba divers. Just like any other scuba divers, these students have experienced the intense training sessions, and ultimately the rewarding experience of such certification as well. Senior Elysia Chang shared her experience of Scuba diving saying, “I initially earned my scuba diving certificate in Resorts World Sentosa so that I could do it during my Interim trip in Great Barrier Reef Australia. The training itself was extremely tiring, but it was overall an amazing experience that I will forever remember.”

So the next time you’re planning for a school break, or even wondering how to allocate a lazy weekend, don’t discount the idea of scuba diving!

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