Learn Something This Summer: Summer Programs

As summer approaches, many students have plans. Usually it is a vacation with family or friends. However, summer is a long time and it is a great time to learn new things through classes at different colleges or participating in internships.

For high school students, this is the best way to experience college life and put yourself in the shoes of a college student. You can experience your dream school before even applying!

There are several benefits why summer programs are a wonderful experience for learning and networking. Summer programs allow you to meet different people around the world and form friendships for a lifetime. It allows you to find a passion and gain unique skills outside of your regular classes. Not only that but you have the ability to earn college credit!

I have participated in two summer programs during my high school years, and before going off to university, I plan to earn college credit at the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts.

Image result for summer programs usc
USC Summer Program, courtesy of their website.

I first participated in the Summer Discovery Program at UCLA and although I took two classes, I found the program to be more activities-based rather than academically-focused. However, the program gave me a glimpse of college life and I made so many life-long friends as the program gave me time to explore Los Angeles while living as a student.

Another valuable take-away was that I got to realize my love for filmmaking through this program, and I was able to create a short polished film that I accomplished.

UCLA Summer Discovery, courtesy of their website.

The second program I participated in was in New York City. I wanted to experience the other coast of the United States and study journalism in the big city. The program offers an intensive journalistic classes taught by New York Times journalists. In my perspective, there are more assignments and I learned more about the journalistic role in the 21st century. This opened my eyes and gave me more of an appreciation of journalism.

Image result for New York Times Summer academy
The New York Times Summer Academy, courtesy of their website.

In conclusion, while drastically different, both of these programs have changed my life both academically and socially. I now know what I want out of a career and have made life-long friends through experiencing what it’s like to be a college student.

If you have the opportunity to take part in a summer program at a local university or one in a different country, I say go for it!

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