
HEYTEA has attracted a lot of bubble tea fans in Singapore upon opening shops at Orchard and Clarke Quay. HEYTEA originated in China and became popular because of its unique introduction of cheezo tea.

To students, a legitimate excuse not to have tried HEYTEA before would’ve been because of exams. However, it’s been roughly a month since summer started!

If you have not tried or heard of HEYTEA yet, here are some popular orders to ensure you aren’t left disappointed by the craze that’s sweeping the country.

❤️ Brown Sugar Bobo

Source: HEYTEA Official Instagram// Brown Sugar Bobo

Brown Sugar Bobo is a mix of fresh milk with brown sugar pearls at the bottom of the cup. What makes Brown Sugar Bobo so special is its top layer. You can either choose to have a brûlée topping or an Oreo topping based on your own preferences. To taste Brown Sugar Bobo, you should open the cover and taste the topping before drinking it.

❤️ Cheezo Tea

Source: HEYTEA Official Instagram//Cheezo Tea

As mentioned earlier, Cheezo Tea is one of HEYTEA’s signature drinks. Having the choice of different tea bases, such as Aqua Green, King Fone and Golden Jade, customers can pick their tea base based on their own likes. A classic tea base topped with bold and smooth Cheezo, it provides a distinct taste that would not be found elsewhere.

❤️ Strawberry Cheezo

Source: HEYTEA Official Instagram// Strawberry Cheezo

Strawberry Cheezo is one of the top choices among HEYTEA’s fruit tea menu. Strawberries are blended with their signature tea blend and topped with Cheezo. Accented with natural and fresh strawberry, the Cheezo and premium tea promises a mild scent of tea and a berry sweetness.

❤️ Bobo Ice Cream

Source: HEYTEA Official Instagram// Bobo Ice Cream

If you are not attracted by any of the drinks above, you’ve one more choice at HEYTEA. Milk tea flavoured ice cream topped with gooey and toasty Brown Sugar Bobo that has been slow-cooked for hours. This is a perfect combination to indulge one’s sweet tooth on a hot Singaporean summer day.

❤️ Mango Cheezo

Source: HEYTEA Official Instagram// Mango Cheezo

Call out to all of the mango lovers! Crafted with juicy, fleshy mango and vibrant green tea, this drink includes actual mango fruit in it and capped with a rich layer of Cheezo as a finishing touch.

❤️ Grapefruit Boom

Source: HEYTEA Official Instagram// Grapefruit Boom

This is a drink that would not been seen in usual bubble tea shop. HEYTEA was bold to choose grapefruit as its base and designed a drink called Grapefruit Boom. A sip of grapefruit delight blended with jasmine tea base, this drink gives you a sense of freshness in the hot summer.

If you’ve ever tried HEYTEA before, or are planning to, comment below your thoughts. Don’t forget to say which drink is your favourite!

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