The Mystery of Why Art Is So Great

Acting, dancing, singing, playing an instrument, and drawing. These are only a couple of the endless forms of art we are familiar with. Some people find practices in this field to be a source of entertainment in their free time, while others see it as a waste of it. “Why would you want to go to an art school?” and “you won’t be able to succeed in the future” are only some things my art friends and I hear from time to time. Sure, there may be a stigma around the field of art and stereotypes surrounding the lives of artists, but I’m here to let you in on the mysteries of art and what it can bring.

1. Art Encourages creativity

One of the most known benefits of art is how it encourages a creative mindset. Source by Pacific Standard

Art is all about creativity. It encourages you to think out of the box, instead of ideas that anyone could come up with. This helps to build one of the most key skills in the future. To succeed as interviewers usually look for creative people during job interviews as they would help more with their business. For example, people look for new and complex ideas that no one have ever thought of instead of the same old ideas that anyone could come up with, and these are usually only possible if the person has a creative mindset.

2. Art helps In Learning

Improves your ability to learn! (image source)

Studying art can help to enhance our perception and to translate to others what we see. Not only that, but it also helps with your problem-solving skills as art is something which you create out of nothing, which would then be beneficial in the future for his career.  Professionals, such as nurses, doctor, and law enforcement agents can use photography, paintings, and sculptures as a tool to help improve their communication skills and visual acuity, which would then help them during emergencies and investigations when they would have to look at crime scenes etc.

3. Art Improves Mental Health 

Art can bring comfort to many in therapy sessions. Source by Carlow University

What many don’t know about is art therapy. It is a fact that art therapy can be used for mental escapes from illnesses, treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and dyslexia, which in simple words, it helps to improve the mental health of a person. A great example of how art can be therapeutic this is the in colouring books as it shows how just anyone can use these books to wind down and relax after having a hard day. Researchers commented: “art-filled occupational voids, distracted thoughts of illness, improved well–being by decreasing negative emotions and increasing positive ones, improved medical outcomes, trends toward reduced depression, reduced in stress and anxiety; increases in positive emotions, and improved inflow and spontaneity, expression of grief, positive identity, and social networks” 

4. Art Relieves Stress

You can relieve your stress through art. Source by More To Life

Art helps you to express your creative side and drawing skills to reduce stress and get in touch with your feelings. Activities such as painting, sculpting, drawing, and photography are relaxing and rewarding hobbies that can lower your stress level and leave you feeling mentally clear and calm. A art is also a form of distraction which can take your mind someplace different from your current stress state, which then gives your brain a chance to take a break.

4. Art Teaches The Importance Of Patience And Practice

Practice, practice, practice! Source by More To Life

People don’t just magically become good at something unless they are really gifted. You can’t just create a piece for the first time and it’ll look like Vincent Van Gough’s. It is how much patience you have and the amount of time you take to practice which helps to improve your skills, and art can teach you the value of practising and having patience. Those who start drawing for the first time or learn a new music instrument would realise how hard and much time it takes to achieve a slight progress. The only way to master it is through continuous practice and having patience, instead of giving up immediately just because you couldn’t get it in the first few tries. This is a skill that others would then learn as they engage in art, and would then become highly important as we live in a competitive world where you are required to stay patient and never give up in order to learn new skills and succeed.

5. Art Builds Confidence And Self-Esteem

One of the most important skills in life, art can help to build one’s confidence. Source by The Irish Times

Art is also all about stepping out of your comfort zone and trying out something new, and this then helps to build confidence in someone. Those who participate in drama classes would have the chance to stand in front of a large audience to deliver a performance. This then would allow them to overcome their fear of facing strangers and gain confidence. It would encourage them to be less nervous, which would then help them in the future in their career, such as going for a job interview. Rehearsals can also teach others to learn from their mistakes through guidance and observing others. In addition, music and painting also give someone a chance to take pride in their work and show it off to others, which helps to boost their self-esteem.

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