Dear America, control your guns

“But as I said just a few months ago, and I said a few months before that, and I said each time we see one of these mass shootings, our thoughts and prayers are not enough.” – President Barack Obama on the shootings at the Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon Just like any other…

FoMO: The modern day anxiety problem

My iPhone is generally within my reach from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed. I wouldn’t consider myself a person suffering from a Fear of Missing Out (FoMO), but when I took a quiz to test out the waters, the result was an embarrassing and dreadful, “FoMO Level: High.”…

The Sweet Escape lip-dub

What could be sweeter than ending the year with a lip-dub? Song: The Sweet Escape (feat. Akon) – Gwen Stefani

#WTDSG: AMPED Trampolines

First we brought you Mood for Food – now The Eye welcomes you to our new segment: #WTDSG or What to Do in Singapore. The new installment focuses on bringing you not necessarily unheard of activities, but instead activities that are actually active and something that isn’t on your Go-To list of things to do on the…

Generation Z turns out to be the problem solvers

It’s a world where the government cannot be trusted, wars tear countries apart, and natural disasters occur every few months. What may seem like a fictional futuristic dystopia is actually our reality today. For our generation, the world is a cruel place, and apparently, not our oyster. How else are we supposed to perceive the…

Top 10 crazy things to do before you graduate

Get your grades up.             2. Hang out with admin!             3. Skip class.             4. Get detention.             5. Break dress code.             6. Break dress code, again (this time wearing…

Two students share the challenges of living with an eating disorder

Many people have misconceptions about what eating disorders are and how they can affect those who are afflicted with them. Two SAS students share the challenges they have faced living with, and overcoming, their eating disorders. (Actress portrayal by Hannah Horowitz)