When you suffer from writer’s block

In my Journalism class, you can often find me sitting in front of the laptop with scores of tabs open. While some of these tabs might be related to other school subjects, on most of the tabs I would be scouring the net for ideas to write on. I would energetically toggle from Google to…

Jaela Richburg and her modelling career

Jaela Richburg, a senior here at SAS, began her modelling journey in the eleventh grade. From then on, she has gone on to do more photoshoots and grown more confidence and love for modelling. As she graduates this summer, she plans to continue her modelling career by taking a gap year and seeing where the…

The Digital Age of Books

The thrill of a new book launch process of getting a new book has always been emotional affair for book lovers. To some, the adventure of anticipation is a reward by itself. To others, flipping the pages and smelling the fresh glue is an exhilarating experience affair. To me, the just feeling the hard cover…

Stairway’s Second Annual Light Project

The Second Annual Stairway Light Project, organised by the Stairway Club, welcomed a large number of people on Saturday, March 9th at the Blu Kouzina restaurant. The guests were entertained by speakers who talked about the purpose of the club and members who shared their experiences. The spirit of the Stairway Foundation was visible everywhere…

The Complicated Case of Cyntoia Brown

Forced into prostitution. Acting in self defence. Accused of murder. Sentenced to life in prison. Cyntoia Brown suffered growing up, but only now has she finally been absolved of her crime. In August 2004, Johnny Allen was found with a gunshot wound in the back of his head in his Mossdale Drive home. Brown shot…

From the Comic to the Screen: Riverdale and the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina

Last year, I had written an article reviewing Riverdale and criticizing the creators for sexualizing a set of fun-filled characters from the Archie Comics series. Recently, I started to watch the Netflix show “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina”  with zero expectations because of how I felt after watching Riverdale. The two shows share the same producer…

Vegetarian Restaurants in Singapore

Eating out in Singapore is a lifestyle. Over the weekends, my family and I love to eat at restaurants, trying cuisines ranging from Italian to Korean. However, as vegetarians, we also have to be careful with where we choose to eat. Lucky for us, Singapore has provided us with ample vegetarian restaurants to eat from….

Sierra Burgess: A Bully?

WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD Imagine sitting in a theatre and seeing the credits roll and wondering “that’s it?” That’s what I felt, sitting in my room on September 7th 2018, and looking at the end credits of Sierra Burgess is A Loser, a modern retelling of Cyrano de Bergerac, a play by Edmond Rostand. I had…