Mood For Food: Korean Hot Pot Buffet

For this episode of Mood for Food, follow reporter Amerens Wilson as she tries the restaurant ‘Dookki’ in Suntec city. It’s a Korean hot pot buffet-style restaurant, where you get to pick and cook your own meal. But was 60 minutes of unlimited food worth it for only $13.80? Watch to find out what we…

Instagram Is Ruining Your Self Esteem and You May Not Even Be Aware

You’re lying on your bed procrastinating, scrolling through your endless feed on Instagram. After having spent the last half hour on your phone, you’re starting to feel kind of down about yourself… You begin to ask yourself why you aren’t as attractive as the people you see online. If this story feels all too familiar…

Face Masks: From Drab To Fab

Will masks become a part of your wardrobe… Forever? “Honestly, the blue masks are kind of ugly and the black ones are too hot. If somebody made a mask that was stylish AND comfortable, I’d definitely buy it.” Tina Gupta  (SAS senior) As we grow used to the way COVID-19 has changed our lives, face…

Lift your spirits during lockdown: Studio Ghibli

With coronavirus keeping us all stuck indoors, binging Netflix and catching up on movies has become the perfect way to pass the extra time. But by now, you may be starting to run out of good new titles to see, and the boredom is creeping in. Don’t worry, because Studio Ghibli is here to save…

10 activities you didn’t know existed before the circuit breaker

Life stuck indoors has been tough, but it’s given us a lot of time to reminisce on the past and all the fun times we’ve had with our friends on the weekends. It’s left me remembering some of the more alternative hangout spots and activities that not everybody was familiar with. So, here are 10…

Light (and Lunch) at the End of the Circuit Breaker Tunnel

So you’re in lockdown, it has been extended, and you’re slowly dying of cabin fever. The good new: this, too, will end. At some point (although who knows when for sure) we will be allowed back into the outside world. So to reap the benefits of future-focused, positive thinking, let’s start planning our outings to…

Bobbii Frutii & Artisanal Bubble Tea: Worth the hype?

Bubble tea has recently blown up and not only taken over SAS but also the world. With the industry making a massive revenue of US$1.96 billion in 2016 and having predicted annual earnings of US$3.21 billion by 2023, it seems like everyone now has a bubble tea addiction. Considering that there are thousands of posts…