Supportive Vandalism?

What is scribed in bathroom stalls, however arbitrary or unsavory, is valuable. Seen only by male or female students and janitors, these messages may tell us more about our school community that we think. From the smallest drawing to a written paragraph, graffiti communicates a message. Regardless of our opinion towards the message, liberating or…

A Rant: Dealing with College Acceptance

Singapore American School is an institution of high-quality learning and with summer vacation creeping nearer, like any school, it is about time to honor our seniors. This year SAS has hit a high for the number of students accepted into ‘Ivy League’ schools in the United States. This is impressive, yet the nature of how…

The Dark Side of Snapchat

Since when did we start maintaining friendships without actually talking? And since when is the number of days you send a picture back and forth worth anything to a friendship? Snapchat, a popular multimedia messaging app, has taken over the phones and lives of teenagers. One function that Snapchat includes is the almighty Snapchat ‘streak’….

Students and the Board Election

What if I were to tell you that there were 12 people who had the influence over how many AP’s you could take? Whether or not AT went extinct and the fate of mandatory Catalyst? The layout of the new campus? Or even the salary of teachers? To the average SAS Students, the elusive School…

APEx Bootcamp

Are you someone who wants to become stronger? Interested in fitness? Need an excuse to get your butt to the gym? On April 17-19 from 3:15-4:15 Laura Young and some other student and faculty trainers will be leading a fitness bootcamp at the APEx. This program is open to people of all levels of experience….

The A in STEM

Everyone has heard of STEM. Officially established in 2006, STEM is a framework for learning in order to apply and integrate the four subjects to solve challenges and problems that are relevant. In 2007, Georgette Yakman was one of the advocates for a new acronym: STEAM She defined it as: “Science and technology, interpreted through…