Advice to aspiring voters before the ballot

In November, citizens from all over the U.S. will gather to perform a civic duty that unites Americans: voting. For those 18-year-olds graduating from SAS and moving to the States next year, the presidential election on Nov. 8 will  mark the transition from childhood to adulthood. Many young voters who will participate in the election for…

SAS seniors take on the real world

Sure, graduating from high school is a big deal. But graduating from driver’s ed – now that’s something to celebrate. Be thankful these new drivers will no longer be living in Singapore.

Top 10 Instagrams

In need of a new feed? Here are the 10 Instagram accounts to follow based on your personality! For the fitness fanatic: @toneitup An account created by Karena and Katrina, two Manhattan beach-based best friends who share a passion for all things fit! Their account features inspirational transformations of girls from all over as well as…

SAS French exchange in Tokyo

Among the many benefits international school students receive during their time abroad, one advantage seems to stand out among the rest: the web of global connections formed at an early age. Whether it is travelling as an athlete to one of the six IASAS (Interscholastic Association of Southeast Asian Schools) schools each season or taking…

IASAS: Coach’s Corner

ISKL Varsity – Daphne Ng Coaching for: 5 years  Badminton Beginnings: “I played for the Malaysia national team and I really loved coaching so I applied to the International School of Kuala Lumpur and they accepted me.” Why did you start coaching? “I played before and this is a very interesting, exciting, challenging, and fun game…

Movie Review: “Joy”

Imagine having an ex-husband living in your basement, a mother who is unable to leave her bed, two young children, a player for a father who has just moved into the basement, and your grandmother – all under your roof. Then, add on the fact that your ex-husband is an aspiring singer who believes that…

Mood for Food: Open Farm Community

Living on a densely populated, tropical island like Singapore, rarely do we come across pieces of land blossoming with fresh fruits and veggies. Farms are simply scarce in this concrete jungle, and farm-to-table dining is even more rare. The farm-to-table movement has become a trend all over the world recently, and this past summer, Open…

The most merry competition of all: Gingerbread house wars

Out of the dozens of spirit activities hosted by Peer Support every year, one competition stands out among the rest: The Annual Gingerbread House Competition. Students are provided with graham crackers, candy canes, marshmallows, icing, and m&m’s and are left to construct their very own masterpiece. After all the hype of building a gingerbread man’s…