Dear Seniors: How to SSS, because we couldn’t.

Second Semester Senior (SSS). Also referred to as the last semester of high school. We’ve all heard the phrase SSS tossed around in the hallways, show up on Instagram posts, or just commonly talked about amongst the high school seniors. By the middle of second semester, most seniors will probably settle their plans after high…

The Other Race Effect

The other race effect is a psychological phenomenon that states the tendency of one to more easily identify the race of a face one is most familiar with. As Forbes Magazine states, “we humans are notoriously poor at distinguishing between the members of races different from our own.” In order to discover how the other…

Studying in the UK, PART I: Why UK Schools might be for you

Studying in the UK may be something you’ve never once considered in your life. Perhaps you’ve never visited the country or it’s a foreign thought in your head; however, let me try to convince you on the reasons why you might want to study here. Length of UK degree vs US degree “A UK degree…

Study in UK series: How to Start Your UK Application?

If you’re an SAS student, you’re in great hands by our school counselors who can help you throughout the entire process. Applying for UK schools may appear daunting at first, yet it is actually a much more simple process than one can imagine. I personally knew nothing when starting my application to UK schools; but…

East Asia’s Obsession Over Small Faces

In East Asian countries, the obsession over a small face is getting out of hand. People are undergoing highly invasive procedures including double jaw surgery, which involves cutting through bone and can lead to facial numbness and consequentially nerve damage. In places likes South Korea, transforming one’s physique is a significant “ritual”. High school graduates…

The South Korean Paradox: COVID-19

We all know South Korea’s success in innovative technology, being ranked as one of the top innovative countries in the world in the Asia-Pacific region by Bloomberg and the World Intellectual Property Organization. Known as a booming tech hub, it comes as a surprise when hearing South Korea is now the most affected country of…

Is a Liberal Arts College for You?

Once again it’s the daunting time of year for our seniors: college application season. Most of us have already submitted the anticipated early decision app, and as pending deadlines loom, we naturally become consumed with emotions of stress and anxiety. We all fear rejections. A rejection from college? Scarier. For students applying to college, we…

Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Visit Seoul Over Summer

Summer is the perfect opportunity for high school graduates to go explore various parts of the world before heading off to college. One of my favourite places to go is Seoul, Korea. Korea is a melting pot of culture. With a variety of activities for one to explore, there’s everything all the way from public…