Could you save a life in Singapore?

What would you do if you were on the MRT and someone had a heart attack? Approximately 15 people die each day from a heart attack in Singapore. Hopefully, there would be an AED nearby that you could use to help the victim survive. An Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is a small portable device that analyzes…

Broadway at SAS

Lined up from the shortest to the tallest person on the aisles of the Drama theater, the Chanterie and Chorale members kick their right legs then left, and march down the stairs to the beat of “Broadway Baby.” Dressed in black, 71 students will be walking in the drama theater, and for 13 of them, it…

Teachers as parents and students as kids

Students spend five days a week, seven hours a day at school. They go to class, hang out with friends, and unfortunately, don’t have much time for parents or siblings. Not many have the privilege of seeing their parents throughout the day in school – except a small group of 12 high school students.  These students  have the…

Recap of Spirit Week

Monday: Pajama Day   Tuesday: Twin Day   Wednesday: Wacky Day   Thursday: Nerd Day   Friday: Red Out Day – Go Eagles!

Movie Review: “The 5th Wave”

The first wave knocked out all the power. The second wave was the earthquake strong enough to shake the planet. The third wave was the disease which spread the world. The fourth wave, they were among us. “The 5th Wave” is an American film directed by J. Blakeson, adapted from the book series by Rick…

Mood For Food: The Coffee Academics

The coffee shop chosen as one of the best coffee shops in the world by international publications such as Vogue and Buzzfeed has arrived in Singapore. The Coffee Academics , located in Orchard on the second floor of the Scotts Shopping Center, is the first outlet in Singapore of the popular Hong Kong chain.  This was…