Emmy award winning journalist gives advice to SAS students

Last airborne reporter on September 11th. Reported on the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. Melinda Murphy, an Emmy award winning journalist, can talk about these events from her personal experience. Having worked as a producer, writer, editor and on-air correspondent, she is now the editor-in-chief of Singapore American Newspaper. Murphy is the kind of person who isn’t…

See Da Vinci: Shaping the Future exhibit before it leaves Singapore

What do we know about Leonardo da Vinci? He is the guy who painted the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, as well as someone who gets the term “the Renaissance Man” constantly assigned to him. Unfortunately, this vague view of da Vinci is common among most people. What’s truly ironic is that no matter…

Chingay 2015: We <3 SG

The two-hour Chingay Parade passed by quickly as 180,000 pairs of eyes watched colorful cultural dances and mesmerizing fireworks from the stands. Whether it was Southern Lion Dance or Pole Act flag balancing, the famous parade didn’t fail to amaze its visitors. The Chingay Parade made its way through the Formula One Pit Building on…

Busting common myths about raw food

“Eating raw food means eating like a hamster.” “How do you live on raw foods alone? You won’t have energy, right?” These are two common misconceptions about raw foodism. Not only are they not true, but living on raw foods alone is an extreme that is not being promoted here. Instead, simple open-mindedness about a…

The Projector transforms the movie experience in Singapore

When I walked up to the fifth floor of Golden Mile Tower on 6001 Beach Road, I saw a welcoming sunlit foyer with panoramic windows and a small cinema café. Here it was, The Projector, a new independent cinema that promised its visitors a truly hipster movie experience. I was lucky to meet The Projector’s…

IN Exhibition: the protest of young artists

From elegant honeycomb sculptures to a graphic installation of organs, IN Exhibition has it all. This event once again proves that young people are capable of making original work of high quality. After all, Michelangelo started selling his sculptures at the age of 16. The opening reception took place on Nov. 12 at the Australian…

Famous sculptor gives advice to aspiring artists

We’ve all heard stories of the ‘starving artist’ struggling to make ends meet. When everyone around you keeps saying that it’s impossible to sustain yourself by making art, it is hard to keep going. Internationally recognized sculptor, Jedd Novatt, shared his strategies on how not to get trapped in common misconceptions. Singapore American School art…