A Rant: The SAS Eye Now

About a month ago, countless editions of The SAS Eye in print form were uncovered from the depths of the Media Lab, our beloved hub of journalism and film. The seemingly limp magazines added up, creating stacks of SAS history dating back to 1983. In need of inspiration during one journalism class, I started snooping…

A Rant: The New Normal in SAS Skorts

Firstly, I do not have a problem with the SAS uniform bottoms.  What I do get tired of is the tendency in wearing skirts tighter and far shorter than what should pass as functional school attire. It has nothing to do with body shape, but with opting for the right fit. I see girls walking…

A Rant: Dealing with College Acceptance

Singapore American School is an institution of high-quality learning and with summer vacation creeping nearer, like any school, it is about time to honor our seniors. This year SAS has hit a high for the number of students accepted into ‘Ivy League’ schools in the United States. This is impressive, yet the nature of how…

A Rant: The Honor Roll Lunch

The sheer disbelief I felt was short lived. Of course, 60% of high schoolers at SAS made the honor roll. And so it was that on January 25 the annual ‘Scholar Lunch’, also known as the ‘eat-as-many-PTA-baked-goods-as-you-can’ lunch, occurred as usual. Without sounding too condescending, it had never meant a lot to me that I…

100 Word Rant: anti-women rally this Saturday

Sexism – and rape culture – still exists, and this is proof for those who don’t think it does. Daryush “Roosh V” Valizadeh plans to have an anti-women rally on Feb. 6 2016. Media has been running around in circles over the issue, some claiming it may even be a “make rape legal” event. It has…

100 Word Rant: When sex workers are victims of rape

Sex workers usually get ignored as victims of rape. Accusations against James Deen have been rising lately – he was immediately shunned in the porn community. Ignoring the possibility that they’re lying, this is still one of the few times when victims are heard and believed. They didn’t have to wait for a court ruling to determine…

100 word rant: flying the French flag on Facebook

Yes, there is a French flag on my profile photo. No, that does NOT give you permission to accuse me of invalidating the tragedies of other people, countries and cultures around the world. Displaying the French flag colors in solidarity does not mean I’m insensitive to the tragedies around the world that also happened this…