Dear Future Seniors…

Tragically, our days in the sun were cut short by a global pandemic. (Who could have guessed?) But let’s not forget the good times. What the class of 2020 did, it did well. As we prepare to graduate and experience the real world, you’re either jumping with excitement or trembling with fear towards the thought…

A Few Parting Words from the Class of 2019

With the new school year just a week away, the time is finally coming for us to say goodbye. Before the class of 2019 makes their final departure from SAS, however, they have a couple of things they would like to share before they leave. We interviewed four different seniors and asked them to reflect…

Junior Year: Reflections and Advice

As my beloved junior year comes to a close, I’ve been reflecting on my experiences and how I wish I would’ve stayed up for just one more hour to study for my exams. This past week, I’ve asked my fellow classmates to share their best memories and intuitive tips on how to get through, what…

Why It Will Hurt to Say Goodbye to Your High School Friends

You’ve heard that people don’t stay friends after high school. This, however, is not entirely true because some people do. It’s hard, but some friends will make it through graduation, exams, and formal, and still manage to come out on the other side strong. But for most of us, we say goodbye. Uni, work, travel,…

Curious about Stationery Hits?

It is undeniably true that some of us find pleasure in having a set of nice pens. Having the right supply of pens, pencils, markers, and other stationery can greatly help students find more motivation and are essential to their everyday life. When it comes to stationery, it is all about personalization. The grip, the…

What is So Wrong with Mathvision?

It can be safely assumed that there is almost no student attending Singapore American School (SAS) who hasn’t heard of “Mathvision.” Mathvision is an academic institution that specializes in tutoring students around Singapore on subjects evolving around STEM (Science, Tech, Engineering, Math). Their most popular subjects being science and math. Beginning in 2007 in a small…

My Advice to the Rising Seniors

As a member of the class of 2018, today I am through with high school. Senior year was one of the most challenging, but yet rewarding of the past four years. Throughout these past ten months, I have learned and grown in ways I didn’t even realize possible. Here are a few pieces of advice…

SAS Eaglets Offer Advice to the Graduates

The Eye’s Senior Staffers Sasha, Hannah, and Avanya interview the youngest members of the SAS student body, and see what advice they have to offer our graduating seniors.