The Disposable Camera Comeback

A group of teenage girls are sitting around a table at Newton Food Center. They’re eating bowls of chicken fried rice, talking amongst themselves and laughing. Suddenly one of the girls stands up excitedly and gushes, “guys wait, I haaAve to take a picture.” This teenager reaches into her purse, and instead of pulling out…

Bored? Watch These.

Last week we threw some of our favorite tunes at you. Now, a feast for the more cinematic among you locked-down kindred spirits. With the lack of social activities and the fact that we no longer need to spend over an hour of our day transporting back and forth to the Woodlands, you may find…

Little Women. Again.

Little Women is an iconic story about four sisters that is empowering, emotional and moving. The story was original published in 1868, the book was written by Louisa May Alcott who crafted the story over several months upon request of the publisher. The book has become well known and loved amongst young women throughout the…

Your Watchlist Might be Desensitizing You

Movies, whether you watch them on your very own computer or the big screens of your local cinema, play a huge role in the way we perceive entertainment. At least, it sure does for me. Got nothing to do? Open up Netflix. Want to procrastinate? Open up Netflix. Not sleepy yet? Open up Netflix. Your…

Remakes: Destroying Classics or New Innovations?

Michael Bay attempted to spark the summer in 2014 when he decided to produce a reboot of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles tale into a popular summertime production. Fans of the original cartoons and comics anticipated passionately, hoping to see their characters and stories coming to live. However, the movie failed in attempting to achieve…

Mood for Food: Date Edition

This year, The Eye sadly says goodbye to two iconic reporters (and current media editors), Mi Le Jang and Chloe Venn. Since 2016, this passionate pair of filmmakers have fostered a wonderful gal-mance in the Media Lab. You can catch them sitting side-by-side in front of Final Cut Pro, working hard, or gossiping, giggling, maybe…

The Greatest Films on Netflix

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Netflix has been wilding out recently. They’re constantly adding new movies to their site and now they’ve begun frantically removing both films and series as well. I’m sure there’s a reason for this—or maybe not. Since the list is ever shrinking, I’ve taken it upon myself to provide…