Students Talk About Stress

So exams have begun their reign over us, bringing the student stress levels higher than ever. I spoke with a variety of my classmates about their stress and found that the cause of anxiety among them was unsurprisingly similar. It’s not news hearing a SAS student complain about being overwhelmingly stressed– in fact, it’s almost…

Why Asian Representation in Hollywood Will Never Satisfy Everyone

I’m sure we’ve all heard the same complaints about not enough representation of minority ethnicities on media. Yet, with the release of two films, one with an all Asian cast and another with an Asian lead, the public is still not satisfied with what they saw on the screen. Crazy Rich Asians, a romantic comedy-drama,…

A Blockbuster Future for Filmmaking at SAS

SCENE 1:  MEDIA LAB – MAY 2018 – EVENING Night cloaks the campus in deep blue, all sound drifts away, darkness slumps over the railings, and spills across the tiled floor. In the slumbering school hallways, a single classroom door is awake. Golden light radiates from the window. Faint noise can be heard from outside. H215,…

SAS Art Students Play Blindfolded Pictionary

The Eye invited Singapore American School AP Art students Mina Troise, Gabby Overtveld, and Selma Larsson to a friendly game of Pictionary.  But they are resident artists, after all, so why make it easy on them?  To spice up the competition, we threw a wrench into the usual expectations:  play while blindfolded!

New Beginnings: In a Hearbeat Short Film

“In a Heartbeat.” a short film by Esteban Bravo and Beth David, is a coming of age tale about a homosexual and closeted boy—Sherwin—who has a crush on another boy.  The animation quite visually shows how a heart can so desire to be with another person. Sherwin is a shy redhead who positions himself daily…

Citizen Farm: Edible Garden City

Last month, I had my first visit to a farm in Singapore for a service club in SAS called Edible Garden City and backed up by the organization Citizen Farm. Having been encouraged by a friend insisting that I needed to experience this for myself, I decided to take the short trip and see what…