Junior Year: Reflections and Advice

As my beloved junior year comes to a close, I’ve been reflecting on my experiences and how I wish I would’ve stayed up for just one more hour to study for my exams. This past week, I’ve asked my fellow classmates to share their best memories and intuitive tips on how to get through, what…

Are Two Frees Too Much?

With the exception of college-admitted seniors, the second semester can be an overwhelming, hard-working time for students. With less than a month of being back at school, I’m already anxious about not having enough time to complete all of my assignments. Some of my classmates, including myself, tend to overlook or even discredit having two…

Juniors in Quest

Perhaps you’ve noticed the absence of juniors in your nonelective courses, or maybe you’ve walked past the futuristic looking glass room, labeled “Quest,” on the third floor. Just last year it was announced that the Quest program would be open to all upperclassmen, and a great population of the junior class is not missing out…

Bon Voyage, Seniors

One more graduating class walks across the stage of the Star Theater.  One more High School campus is left with a sense of emptiness. As juniors, we have always looked up to you, Senior Class of 2018. The bar has been set for next year and it’s questionable if we could ever rise to the…

My Advice to the Rising Seniors

As a member of the class of 2018, today I am through with high school. Senior year was one of the most challenging, but yet rewarding of the past four years. Throughout these past ten months, I have learned and grown in ways I didn’t even realize possible. Here are a few pieces of advice…

Funny Stories: Second Semester Juniors

Often referred to as one of the most tiring semesters of high school, the second semester of junior year for the class of 2019 is officially over. Following these eventful months, they have learned from their experiences. After talking to a few students, SAS Eye Reporter Jonna Chen brings readers just a few things that happened…

Class of 2019 Reacts to Senior Sweatshirts

As the end of the 2017-2018 school year approaches, the class of 2019 prepares for their last year at SAS. They start with their first decision: the senior sweatshirt. This year’s submissions were asked for several months earlier than past senior classes in order to get the sweatshirts to SAS at the beginning of the…

What do you Regret not Doing your Senior year? (Advice to The Juniors)

Don’t Procrastinate Too Much Although it may be hard to get everything done on time, try not to put everything off to last minute, especially with college essays. It is easy to underestimate how much time it would take to perfect your common app essay.   2. Start writing your college essays early Start brainstorming…