Junior Year: Reflections and Advice

As my beloved junior year comes to a close, I’ve been reflecting on my experiences and how I wish I would’ve stayed up for just one more hour to study for my exams. This past week, I’ve asked my fellow classmates to share their best memories and intuitive tips on how to get through, what…

What Messaging Apps Do SAS Students Use?

Does your ethnicity play a role in which messaging apps you use? In this era of technological advancement, there are numerous messaging apps that subscribers can choose from. With services such as free calls, instant messaging, and photo sharing, there is no doubt that these apps are on almost every smartphone user’s homepage. A question…

SAS Students React to Doom Dada

What comes to your mind first when you think of K-pop?  Some students claim that it is the catchy “horse dance” of Gangnam Style, but recently, Doom Dada has caught the attention of many– not because of its dance, but because of its extremely weird music video.  Check out this video by reporters Angela Hwang and Brenda…

My Best Friend Got My Name Tattooed On Her Arm.

My mother always told me that if I were ever to get a tattoo, she would remove it with a potato peeler. So since the womb, tattoos were pretty off the table for me-they were taboo. As I grew older, I’ve encountered all types of people with designs inked into their skin and, with the…

Student or Employee?

Jennifer Li, a junior at Singapore American School, is a full-time student and a part-time intern. She has successfully found a way to profit in both finance and experience from something that she’s passionate about. For almost half a year now, Jennifer has been working with a yoga company by filming and producing promotional videos…

7 Reasons Why A GBF Adds More Value To Your Life Than Anybody Else

For those of you who don’t know, GBF stands for Gay Best Friend. There are plenty of movies, television shows, and even books that portray the gay best friend as someone who is overly charismatic with a great sense of fashion and tips to pick up guys. What these various media outlets fail to tell…

Exploring Hong Kong and Singapore Through Portraits

If you look at a map, you will see that Singapore is fairly close to Hong Kong, with only a three-hour flight to travel between these cities. Hong Kong has been described as “a cool place to go if you want to see Singapore minus the money and plus the dirt” by anonymous SAS student who has…

Why Crying is Important

Imagine this: you’ve been studying deep into the morning for your various exams. Your brain is fried and no matter how many cups of coffee you drink, your eyes refuse to stay open. You’re doing an experiment in chemistry class that involves heating a solution in a glass beaker to the point where the beaker…