What Messaging Apps Do SAS Students Use?

Does your ethnicity play a role in which messaging apps you use? In this era of technological advancement, there are numerous messaging apps that subscribers can choose from. With services such as free calls, instant messaging, and photo sharing, there is no doubt that these apps are on almost every smartphone user’s homepage. A question…

SAS Students React to Doom Dada

What comes to your mind first when you think of K-pop?  Some students claim that it is the catchy “horse dance” of Gangnam Style, but recently, Doom Dada has caught the attention of many– not because of its dance, but because of its extremely weird music video.  Check out this video by reporters Angela Hwang and Brenda…

My Best Friend Got My Name Tattooed On Her Arm.

My mother always told me that if I were ever to get a tattoo, she would remove it with a potato peeler. So since the womb, tattoos were pretty off the table for me-they were taboo. As I grew older, I’ve encountered all types of people with designs inked into their skin and, with the…

7 Reasons Why A GBF Adds More Value To Your Life Than Anybody Else

For those of you who don’t know, GBF stands for Gay Best Friend. There are plenty of movies, television shows, and even books that portray the gay best friend as someone who is overly charismatic with a great sense of fashion and tips to pick up guys. What these various media outlets fail to tell…

We Meat Again: A Former Vegetarian on Why She Reunited with Meat

Vegetarianism, once widely seen as an alternative, if not an extreme lifestyle, is now in the mainstream. Many schools, including SAS, adopt campaigns such as Meatless Mondays in order to encourage less consumption of meat and to give exposure to vegetarian and vegan lifestyles. The growing trend towards giving up meat altogether suggests either that the…

Curious about Stationery Hits?

It is undeniably true that some of us find pleasure in having a set of nice pens. Having the right supply of pens, pencils, markers, and other stationery can greatly help students find more motivation and are essential to their everyday life. When it comes to stationery, it is all about personalization. The grip, the…

One Size ‘Just Fits’ Everyone

We all know that feeling. That feeling when you suck in your stomach to make the button of your jeans fit through the loop, or when you take a picture and hold your breath. In this world, popularity and trends have made girls with rounder hips and thighs that kiss believe that one size can…

Student Run Business: Fülish, a Brand for Youth by Youth.

A recent trend that has appeared amongst the youth in Singapore is personal branding. It seems that more and more groups of individuals are collaborating in order to establish unique, independent clothing brands. A newly blossoming self-established apparel company is Fülish. Ran by four Singapore American School students: Takumi Irwin, Irina Maryukhina, Natasha Trinh, and…