National Service or Obligation?

       National Service. It’s been in the news a lot lately. There are those who have defaulted on National Service(NS), and then there are others who wish to defer national service. According to Enlistment Act of 1970, National Service in Singapore requires all male Permanent Residents and Citizens who are at least 16.5 years old…

My NS Experience: Izak Arwan

Continuing are focus on the National Service experience, The Eye reporters Bella and Kristi interview SAS alumnus Izak Arwan (’17) as he reflects on his NS experience on the Singapore Police Force thus far.

National Service Class of 2020

National Service: A necessity for Singaporean Males graduating from SAS, yet a relatively misunderstood and often misrepresented reality for the rest of us.  Senior reporters Bella and Kristi interview SAS’s upcoming NS boys on how they feel about becoming Singapore’s newest National Servicemen. National Service is required for all Singaporean male citizens and permanent residents….

College or NS? Rahil Kapur’s story

The decision of whether to join National Service or go to college is not an easy one. Rahil Kapur is one senior who grappled with that decision for years, but is happy with his final choice.