America’s Political System is Broken

As the tedious process of picking the potential president begins, the candidates seem to be increasingly divided. Not only this, but issues that divide the American population are emphasised more now than ever. This creates a sense of division and ultimately gets in the way of progress. According to a Gallup poll released in early…

In God We Trust: The place of religion in America

One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. For a nation that claims to value the separation of church and state, the US’s pledge of allegiance is definitely not secular; in fact, the phrase “under God” was added to the pledge in 1954, after Reverend George Docherty and other religious figures appealed…

US-Iran Relations: A Timeline

In an age of heated Trump tweets and news echo-chambers, many fear that we are doomed to World War III. Potential conflict aside, the two countries have undergone countless changes in leadership and ideals, with each change altering the way they interact. Here is a list of some of the most important events and the…

At SAS: MAGA Hat vs. Rainbow Flag

Examine the website or promotional material for Singapore American School and you’ll come across an enlightened notion: “Every student is known and advocated for” This statement is an integral part of the SAS ‘Vision and Mission’. But to what extent is it actually true? Singapore American School is known worldwide for its emphasis on Cultural…

Dems for Dummies: Your Guide to (some of) the 2020 Frontrunners

So, you’re not really a politics person. Elections can be a more than a little overwhelming, and maybe you just want to know the basics. Although there aren’t many Republican candidates who have launched a presidential campaign as of now, there are quite a few Democrats in the race – so many that it can…

Abortion: The Killing Babies Controversy

If you’ve been on social media at all within the past week, you’ve most likely witnessed an upheaval of teenage girls typing in all caps on their Instagram stories. Their messages range from advocating women’s rights to framing all Republicans as rape enthusiasts. I’m not here to do any of that today, but I am…

A Female Republican’s View on the Women’s March

I am a Republican. I am a woman. And if I was an American who could have voted in 2016, I would have voted for Donald Trump. Before you are quick to judge and label me as someone I am not, understand what I would have voted for. I would have voted for the millions…