Criminal: The Lack of Hype for Single-Semester Science

As rising upperclassmen register for science courses, there is a common pressure for them to choose AP and AT(advanced topics) classes. Students automatically assume that semester-long science courses are not academically challenging, and are initially hesitant to sign up for them. While it is true that mostly upperclassmen take semester courses to ease up their…

Is a Liberal Arts College for You?

Once again it’s the daunting time of year for our seniors: college application season. Most of us have already submitted the anticipated early decision app, and as pending deadlines loom, we naturally become consumed with emotions of stress and anxiety. We all fear rejections. A rejection from college? Scarier. For students applying to college, we…

The A in STEM

Everyone has heard of STEM. Officially established in 2006, STEM is a framework for learning in order to apply and integrate the four subjects to solve challenges and problems that are relevant. In 2007, Georgette Yakman was one of the advocates for a new acronym: STEAM She defined it as: “Science and technology, interpreted through…

Weaving Art and Science together

Art and Science. Some would tell you that these two subjects are on the opposite ends of a spectrum. Art leans toward the emotional side while science is on the side of data and logic. They would have you believe that the two subjects are as different as chalk and cheese and “never the twain…


The Space Lab, an extracurricular project at SAS, has teamed up with the International Space Station in launching a student-designed experiment into space to be monitored by the astronauts.  Check out how the students have designed and developed this huge endeavor in our video overview, directed and edited by Jennifer Jung and Ji Yun Ok.