Reading is Still the Best Pastime

As a teenager, when I tell people that I love to read I receive a variety of interesting glares. Adults look confused, as if it is the most outrageous thing they have ever heard, while my teenage colleagues look plain disgusted. When people see me reading they stare or even make jokes, but I don’t…

The School That Never Sleeps: Sleep Deprivation at StressAS

SAS eye reporter Catherine McGuire set out to get a glimpse into the issue of sleep deprivation that plagues the SAS high school. With many often choosing to stay up scrolling through social media, studying, or binging Netflix rather than get a good night of sleep, this article investigates the true cost of skipping out…

So, You’re In College! …Now What?

In this short, yet sweet, video I interview three SAS seniors – Mina Troise, Tansy Hew, and Paul (Frenchy) Blanc about their experiences with the college application process, getting into college, and what new stresses they are feeling. Even though this video focuses a lot on the negative aspects of getting into college and college…

Why You Should Go To Art School

The most common question every high school student gets from their teachers, peers, and even grade-schoolers is “How was your summer?” Whenever I was asked this question, my automatic answer was “Busy with art school”. The “Wow”s and “How cool!”s were great and all, but I almost felt offended by the satirical tone many people…

Junior Year: Reflections and Advice

As my beloved junior year comes to a close, I’ve been reflecting on my experiences and how I wish I would’ve stayed up for just one more hour to study for my exams. This past week, I’ve asked my fellow classmates to share their best memories and intuitive tips on how to get through, what…

How Do You Stop Stress Eating?

With exam review days here, it means finals are approaching, and we are forced to recognize and reflect on what seems to be one of the only plausible method of easing our pain: emotional eating. To put it simply, emotional eating is the idea of using food to alleviate or suppress negative emotions, such as…

Are Two Frees Too Much?

With the exception of college-admitted seniors, the second semester can be an overwhelming, hard-working time for students. With less than a month of being back at school, I’m already anxious about not having enough time to complete all of my assignments. Some of my classmates, including myself, tend to overlook or even discredit having two…

Watch These Vines to Destress

The start of the semester after Winter Break can be a stressful time for everyone. Even after having a 3 week holiday of relaxing, when the first week of school occurs everyone is piled on with tons of work from your classes, clubs, and even sports. One way I destress to place my mind somewhere…