Mood For Food: Real Food

There are very few vegetarian or organic restaurants that can be found in Singapore, but Real Food is a restaurant that is a combination of both. It is a place that serves typical food more healthily. It serves organic vegetarian cuisine, which makes it a place for anyone to come and enjoy. There is a…

Fake Meat?

These meat substitutes are almost horrifically realistic, but how can a strange concoction of vegan ingredients bleed like real meat? Whilst living with my aggressively vegetarian sister, I was constantly taunted with the phrase “meat is murder”. When going to a restaurant, I will never hesitate to order a juicy, red and bloody burger. Evidently,…

A More Sustainable Life: A Vegan Perspective

Crystal Shoff, a senior SAS student, explores the benefits of living a sustainable life through her Catalyst project. She created a website advocating for a more pro-environmental approach through a vegan diet. Her project is inspired by a personal experience as she wanted to help her sisters out. Her two sisters were transitioning into becoming…

We Meat Again: A Former Vegetarian on Why She Reunited with Meat

Vegetarianism, once widely seen as an alternative, if not an extreme lifestyle, is now in the mainstream. Many schools, including SAS, adopt campaigns such as Meatless Mondays in order to encourage less consumption of meat and to give exposure to vegetarian and vegan lifestyles. The growing trend towards giving up meat altogether suggests either that the…

Mood for Food: Brownice

Natalie Chassagne and Flissy Ford, foodies with a social conscience, explore one of the more popular new vegan options for all of your sweet-toothed cravings in Singapore: Brownice.

Vegan taste test

A meat eater’s ultimate test. Watch as six vegan virgins try vegan pizza, brownies, and more!