Tribute to Stan Lee

Spiderman, X-Men, the Hulk, Iron Man, and the Fantastic Four. If it weren’t for Stan “The Man” Lee, none of these characters would be the icons they are today. The possibility of all these characters was born on December 28th, 1922 in New York City, when Stan Lee was born. He went on to live through the Great Depression, through which his parents struggled to meet ends meet. He went on to be hired as an assistant at Timely Comics and an interim editor for the company in the early 40s. He also served in the army during World War 2 as a writer and illustrator.

A book detailing his amazing life. (Source: Amazon)

Then in the 60s, Marvel comics (Timely’s new name) commissioned him to create a series called “The Fantastic Four”. The series became a hit, inducing Marvel to ask him to make more characters such as Doctor Strange, Daredevil, and the Avengers. He is also famous for making cameos in most Marvel movies, even appearing in DCs Teen Titans Go To The Movies as a parody of his cameos.

However in 2017, his wife died, and not long after, he was sent to the hospital for breathing problems in January 2018. He was released afterward, going right into promotions for the upcoming movie at the time “Black Panther”. In April 2018, an article was released detailing an inheritance battle between his relatives who knew that soon, Stan was going to die. They also forced him to fire many of his trusted associates.

Sadly on November 12th, Stan Lee was rushed to the hospital due to unknown causes at the moment. He died at Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre in Los Angeles, California. Many of the actors, coworkers, and fans shared their mourning on social media. This is a man who inspired many of us, myself included to go far beyond the impossible. He says it best in this quote:

“I used to be embarrassed because I was just a comic-book writer while other people were building bridges or going on to medical careers. And then I began to realize: entertainment is one of the most important things in people’s lives. Without it, they might go off the deep end. I feel that if you’re able to entertain people, you’re doing a good thing.”

One of the many tributes artists made to Stan Lee after his death (Credit: San Diego Union Tribune)

Rest in peace Stan Lee.

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